TDS-400 Transport Drainage System

Network Rail Product Accepted (PADS)

Award Winners of The PWI

Climate Change and Decarbonisation Prize 2022

Winners at RailTech Europe Innovation Awards

How It Works

How It Works

TDS-400 is an advanced Transport Drainage System comprised of modular drainage panels.

TDS-400 has been through rigorous product testing and live trials for Network Rail, Highways England, Civil Engineering and Government Agencies.

Manufactured in the UK at a multi-million pound, state of the art recycling facility, using a unique process and a continuous supply of recycled plastic feedstock with the capability of 24/7 production & supply. 

An unrivalled 40% void space and 400mm product width.

The perma-void structure of each drainage panel provides immense compressive strength 1865 kN./sq.-m. and exceptional porosity in all directions of the product with 18.97 L/m2/s flow rate at 50mm head.

Once in situ, a permanent path of least resistance is created, to which water is drawn and then rapidly discharged through hydraulic pressure.

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